
imageSarova Hotels

Collection of personal data

Below is a list of the circumstances in which your personal data is collected by Sarova Hotels together with a brief explanation as to why we need that personal data. It is the kind of personal data that you would expect to provide in the normal process of making travel arrangements, or using a Spa / Health Club.

Other uses of your Personal Data

In order to make our services more efficient for you, we, along with most hotels and businesses, use third party outsource service providers which have partial access to some of your data.  We use these suppliers in order to provide services such as booking the facilities available in the hotel; running reception; providing housekeeping; booking tables, rooms and other facilities.

Transfer of Data

In conforming with British and European data protection laws, we endeavour to implement reasonable procedures to protect your personal data and to prevent any unauthorised access or misuse of it. Sarova Hotels’ servers, on which your personal data is kept, are located in the United Kingdom.