A) Reservations made directly with the hotel
You may make a reservation directly with the Sarova Hotels, in which case the collection of your personal data is as described above. The diagram below illustrates the way in which you may make a direct booking with Sarova Hotels.
PMS – Property Management System
CRM – Customer Relationship Management System
- Reservations via Telephone/Fax or Walk-In – your personal data is entered directly into the hotel’s property management system located within the UK.
- Reservations via Email – Emails for Sarova Hotels are delivered into a mail server located within the UK, and then entered into the hotel’s property management system located within UK.
- Reservations made on Sarova Hotels’ websites – Sarova Hotels uses P3 Hotels ( as supplier of booking engine software to power its websites. This software solutions provider has its servers located within the EU.
B) Reservations with Third Party Booking Agents, Meeting & Event Agents, & Travel Supply Companies
Where you make your reservation with a third-party site, such as a travel company or any other third-party booking agent, this privacy notice does not apply to your personal data that is collected by that third-party site. Sarova Hotels encourages you to enquire about the data privacy practices of these third-party sites directly with those sites.
These companies will deliver the data which they have collected from their customer to Sarova Hotels via one of the following routes:
Fax data is sent across the public telephone network directly to the hotel.
Emails are delivered to Sarova Hotels’ email server located within UK.
When you make a reservation via an independent third-party booking service, for example a Global Distribution System “GDS”, that third party will transmit certain data which they collect about you to us. Typically, that information may include:
- Title, first name, family name
- Email address – (personal, business or other)
- Gender
- Date of birth
- Postal address – (home, business or other)
- Telephone number
- Payment personal data
- Passport details
C) Data export from Sarova websites
The organisations indicated in the following table have their servers located within the UK or EU and do not export data outside the UK or EU.
PMS – Property Management System
CRM – Customer Relationship Management System