Our use of third party outsource service providers
In order to make our services more efficient for you, we, along with most hotels and businesses, use third party outsource service providers which have partial access to some of your data. We use these suppliers in order to provide services such as booking the facilities available in the hotel; running reception; providing housekeeping; booking tables, rooms and other facilities.
Some suppliers, such as HotelRez (www.hotelrez.net) are subcontractors and we seek to ensure that they act in accordance with our wishes in respect of the data that we pass to them. All subcontractors have confirmed that they either retain our customer’s data with the UK or EU, or where this is not the case they use Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) in order to provide an equivalent level of protection to the data as would be the case within the UK or EU.
In circumstances where you choose to interact with an independent third party when booking a facility at our hotel. For example when you book a room at the hotel via Expedia (www.expedia.com), that third party is an independent data controller and responsible independently for compliance with the relevant data protection legislations. We recommend that in those circumstances you read the privacy policy of that third party.
We may disclose your personal information to any third party to whom we may be considering selling or who may be considering buying the whole or part of our business or assets.
In common with the majority of comparable hotel companies we use CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) recording equipment on our properties and the immediate environs. We generally keep records from these cameras for up to hundred (100) days. We use this equipment and these recordings for the reduction and investigation of crimes and unacceptable behaviour.
Use of Cookies
We will also use cookies to help tailor your experience on our websites and to help us track activity. By visiting privacy.sarova.com you will have the ability to manage the cookies that you do and do not accept per website so that you can have the best level of control.
You can find more about how we use cookies and opting out of their use at: cookies information.
Analytic Suppliers
In common with the majority of comparable hotel companies that use the internet we occasionally use your personal data to help Analytic Suppliers match relevant ads to you using the data analytics of those Analytic Suppliers. However, we only use the data in that way where you are a subscriber to the services of Analytic Suppliers and have therefore agreed to this service by acceding to the relevant Agreements of those Analytic Suppliers.
We mean by Analytic Suppliers companies such as: Facebook; Google; Twitter and Microsoft. Analytic Suppliers supply us with statistical information on how users interact with our website to help us improve our user experience.
We do not control the countries outside the United Kingdom in which those Analytic Suppliers process data. Your consent to our use of the data includes our permission to use the services of these Analytic Suppliers.